
If you are looking for industrial parts washing news, look no further. Visit our blog every month for a new article about the industrial parts cleaning industry!

washer quality

Communicating Expectations of Washer Quality, Production, and Cost

As part of AEC Systems’ design process we discuss with each of our customers what their expectations are for the washer we will manufacture for them in terms of washer quality, production, and cost. This communication process typically requires several weeks to complete. We work with the manufacturer’s engineers regarding the selection and configuration of

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design for degradation

Design for Degradation

As the scientific community’s understanding and exploration of the boundaries of chemistry grows, we begin to see how we can accomplish two goals that previously were thought to be incompatible: environmental responsibility and modern living with large-scale economies and manufacturing. Another one of those principles is degradation, or as the American Chemical Society calls it,

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energy efficiency

Design for Energy Efficiency

A core principle of green chemistry deals with the energy that a chemical process uses, rather than the interactions of the chemicals themselves. This is Principle #6: Design for Energy Efficiency. It states: Energy requirements should be recognized for their environmental and economic impacts and should be minimized. Synthetic methods should be conducted at ambient

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Replace Trichloroethylene (TCE) with Aqueous Cleaning for a Safe and Clean Solution

Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a non-flammable liquid clorinated hydrocarbon used as an industrial solvent for its degreasing properties. It’s commonly used in dry cleaning as well. Surprisingly enough, given what we now know, it was used topically on humans as a disinfectant and anesthetic and even incorporated into coffee as a spice. The FDA banned these

Replace Trichloroethylene (TCE) with Aqueous Cleaning for a Safe and Clean Solution Read More »

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